Monday, January 19, 2009

I have conquered Stalingrad!

Yes, it's done at long last; I wore it for a test stroll yesterday and to work this morning despite the fact that it's still missing one front button (the local store should re-stock by week's end). Yesterday's photos clearly show the uneven, temporarily pinned up hem with lining peeking out - but all's finished now. I posted a Siege of Stalingrad review for it on Pattern Review. The whole pictorial story can be viewed on my flickr site under the Vogue 1266 set.

This is my 3rd GCSA coat. It was certainly the most complex and time consuming one of the lot. I've learned a tremendous amount during the entire 6-month exercise. Thank you, co-sewers for all your ideas, tips, and process descriptions! And, thank you very much Marji (HUGE BOW), for starting this blog. There's no way in a million years I'd have thought of making a coat without it. Now I see that making a coat doesn't have to be any more intimidating than making a well tailored jacket. Isn't that the best lesson for all future sewing?!

How did I do in comparison with my wishful thinking of last July? Well, I did make the McCall's 5247, but only in a lightweight tartan twill, not the cashmere, which I decided to save for a more interesting pattern. I did make this Vogue coat; I didn't even begin the Burberry-wannabe trenchcoat, but spring is still far ahead; and, to my great surprise, I found a raglan-sleeve Burda pattern for a fun little impromptu short coat that was easy to make and is super comfortable to wear.

OK, who else is still working on their coat? De-lurk and let us rah-rah-rah you onwards!


  1. hooray!! I'm so glad it works for you, even with the temporary closures (I did that, too, btw - wore it out when I still had three buttonhole facings to cut!). Congratulations on finishing THREE coats!

  2. I'm just starting to work on my coat. Yours is lovely. I like the lining. I'm wondering about the reasoning for a 2 piece sleeve. g

  3. Oh Digs it looks gorgeous! The piping on the lining is a great detail. It is still really flattering, even with the heavy interling. I love the collar and the hat, too. Congratulations on conquering Stalingrad!

  4. This is right out of Valkyrie or Dr. favorite style actually. I have had this pattern for years. Juast might get to it now. Love the fur collar too.

  5. Digs, this is FABULOUS!! And thank you for the insight. In some ways I think that a coat is easier than a well-tailored jacket.
